
a slight change

Much has happened in since leaving Cape Town almost a year ago. For a brief synopsis of it all:

I am a senior.
I continue my studies at UW-Madison.
I graduate in May. Surprisingly, I might know what I am doing for the next year.
I work in the UW-Madison Cartography Lab.
I still work at the Food and Beverage Department.
Much of my senior year has been consumed by hops and fermentation.
My family has become my backbone.
My friends are my lifestyle.
My computer still always seems to be low on battery.
Internet is now unlimited and free.
I am currently the Environment team leader in the EDGE Project.
I could very well be travelling to Uganda this summer for the EDGE project.
The EDGE project is still, without argument, the coolest student organization around.
The world seems to be falling apart.
Japan, my heart aches for you.
Libya, my fist clenches for you.
Scott Walker, my urine falls upon you.
I still sometimes say rude and over-the-top things.
None of this is really news to anybody.

This blog, since I am no longer studying abroad in Cape Town, is going to stand for pretty much anything. Ideally I would love to continue talking about travels but that involves having a lot of money to travel with. So primarily it will be a way for writing down my thoughts for the EDGE Environment team in the lead up to the travelling this summer. Since I am considering (highly) going on the trip to Lingira Island, I will want to keep my thoughts organized on this lovely little page (notice the new color scheme).

Thanks everyone who followed during my travels to Cape Town, I thoroughly enjoyed keeping a record of my travels and hope you all had a fun time reading them. For now, the blog will take a look at Lingira Island (don't worry, there will be a post about the EDGE project in full coming up) from the perspective of a researching student in Wisconsin. A top down approach is what I would call this one, though a bottom up approach on the island would be a better, and more sustainable use of our time. Hence, our summer travel plans.

To keep it brief, I won't say much more right now. Though, do not give up, my strong-willed companions, for this blog shall continue in a new, greatly-extended and evolved version. From the map to the land, I share with you my stories.

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